Sneak Peek: February!

February is here! And February, in Club Penguin, is famous for its Puffle Party! Also thisa year the newly discovered brown puffle from the Wilderness Expedition is to hit the Puffle Party and come to adoption at the Pet Shop!

Here is Billybob’s sneak peek:

Here’s some of what is coming up this February:

* The big Puffle Party, starting Feb.18
* Brown puffles for adoption at the Pet Shop
* The return of the Haunting of the Viking Opera at the Stage (with the pin YOU picked!)


I’m mostly looking forward to the Puffle Party. This year there shoudl be 2 new decorated rooms for the Orange Puffle and Brown puffle!

What is your favourite puffle? What are you looking forward to most? Comment below and tell us!

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

G sends EPF Message!

G is reminding us that there is a new level on System Defener game. To play this game you must be an EPF Agent, click to learn how to become one.

Have you tried the new System Defender level yet? Herbert is attacking the EPF System and EPF needs YOUR help!

Now you don’t only earn medals for completing Field Ops but for also completeing the Stytem Defender game! You can earn stamps for playng it too!


Some hate this new game, but I must say, I really like it and don’t find a reason for hating it. Maybe girls think it’s too boyish? What do you think about this new System Defener?

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

February Pay Day!

It’s Pay Day! If you are an EPF Agents and a Tour guide, you should recieve 350 and 250 coins for being such a good agent and/or guide.

If you’re not an EPF Agent or Tour Guide, what are you waiting for? Click here to read our guide of how to become an EPF Agent or here to read how to become a Tour Guide!

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

Coins for Change… and Beyond!

Message from Billybob:

Hello Penguins!

In December you gave over 12 billion coins to help kids around the world during Coins For Change. Now we’ve seen lots of you rallying to raise awareness about the floods in Australia:


Very cool, team! It’s awesome to see how passionate you are about helping others and the environment.

Though Coins For Change is finished for 2010, you continue to help change the world – all year round! Did you know that a portion of every Club Penguin membership goes to help children around the world? Thanks for helping change the world with us!

To find out more ways you can make a difference, check out the Global Citizenship section of our website. If there are other ways you’d like to see Club Penguin help change the world, let us know in the comments!

Until then… Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

Club Penguin is an awesome game to support causes isn’ty it! 😀 How are you supporting the Australia cause?

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

Herbert is attacking the EPF system!

Get ready for the second mission in the Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force System Defender game. This time, Herbert is attacking!

Start off by waddling over to the System Defender game in the EPF room.

Now click “Defend System” to start the game.

Look’s like Herbert is trying to take over the system!

In this game, you must plant guns to destroy the robot machines. The guns are found at the top of the screen. Guns cost battery. Every robot destroyed is worth 10 battery. Some robots drop battery also. Click on it to collect it.

Guns are placed on the blue tiles.Upgrading:

After you place guns down, you can upgrade them to make them more powerful. To upgrade, buy one for 500 battery, or wait for a robot to drop one and then click on the gear symbol.

Guns can be upgraded up to two times. They do A LOT of damage if they are upgraded twice! 😀

After you beat Herbert, this will show up:

There are also 3 new stamps! Try to collect all 3 of them! 🙂

Check back next week for another guide!


Herbert’s Message on new Newspaper!

Go to the back page of the new Newspaper and click on the Secrets section:

This week’s secret are the mysterious tings in Club Penguin. Put your mouse cursor on the picture…

to see Herbet’s Message!

I wonder if Hebrert’s abotu to attack our EPF System… maybe this means a new System Defender level! Be ready, agents!

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

The Penguins That Time Forgot back on Stage!

The Penguins That Time Forgot play is now back on Stage! Sure, Club Penguin haven’t put on a new play for a logn tiem now but I think this play never gets old! 🙂

I mean go and check out the Prehistoric costumes of the Costume Trunk and you’ll know what I mean!

Check out this cheat on page 3. Click on the ‘O’

And you now unlocked a Grass Skirt! Sweet! 😀

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown


Field Op #31 Full Guide!

A New Field Op is here as usual … and this week’s seems interesting!

Step 1) Open up spy phone and report to HQ.

Step 2) Read G’s orders.

Step 3) Go to the Wilderness Expedition by going to the Dock, follow the sign, go into the tree puzzle and go to the right just like this:

Update: location is moved to the Forest!

Step 4) Solve the puzzle. If you ever played the famous board game ‘Code Breaker’, yes, that’s the game! 🙂

Step 5) Recieve your medal and here’s a message from G!

Interesting! Hebert seems to be behind the Probot attacking our EPF System!

Come back next week for another new guide! :)

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

Happy77 Interviews a Brown Puffle Artist AND Brown Puffles to hit the Per Shop in February!

Greetings Penguins!

Happy77 here. Since so many of you are asking questions about the brown puffle, I thought I’d talk to an artist to help get you some answers!


Here’s the scoop:

Q. Tell me some cool facts about the brown puffle!
A: Well, I’m sure you’ve noticed brown puffles love to invent stuff. Their inventions don’t always work too well, but that doesn’t stop them.
Brown puffles are very smart and focused, and like to observe the world around them. They’re always looking for new ideas.

Q. I like the brown puffle’s goggles. Why do they wear them?
A: It’s always ‘safety first’ with brown puffles. They even wear goggles when they eat and sleep!

Q. Do brown puffles have anything to do with Protobot?
A: Hmm… I’m not sure. Brown puffles do like machines…

Q. My brown puffle ran away! How do I adopt another one?
A: Sorry to hear that! In February you’ll be able to adopt another brown puffle in the Pet Shop. We just need enough of them to follow us out of the wild.

Sweet! Hope that answers some of your questions. Let us know what else you want to know about the brown puffle in the comments!

Oh, and speaking of Protobot, I’ve heard that agents are needed at the Command Room today…

Until then… Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

Wow, Brown Puffles might have been responsible to the Probot rise? Nah! I mroe suspect Herbert on fixing the robot, he’s smart you know!

But anyways, how are you enjoyng your rown puffle? Do you like the new Brown Puffle House? AND did you notice sometimes the brown puffle turns red when it goes to sleep in his brown house?

And it looks clear that Brown puffles will be available to adopt at the Pet Shop. Maybe right during the Puffle PArty the Brown Puffles will follow us from the wilderness to Club Penguin’s Pet Shop to join the fun! Who kknows! Maybe it will also be available to non-members? I wish!

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

Free Brown Puffle House and Brown Puffle Reviewed By You!

If you have competed the Wilderness Expedition, NOW you can fidn that there is a new Brown Puffle House available! Simply go to the Brown Puffle Cave (by taking the Boat at the Cove IF you completed the Wilderness Expedition) and walk near the Brown Puffle House and click yes! It’s Free! 😀

Here’s this week’s Reviewed By You:

Hello Penguins!

Yesterday we mentioned you can get a free Brown Puffle House on the Expedition. Looks like Scoobyzyx has been to the Brown Puffle Cave already:
Speaking of brown puffles, last week we asked what experiments you’re conducting with your brown puffle and Mumble01360 said:
My brown puffle is the new Sir Isaac Newton! He often conducts experiments with any spare nuts and bolts lying around. Mudd will fly his airplane (that he built in under 10 minutes) everywhere around CP. With all of the experimenting he does, he barely has time to sleep!
Very cool, Mumble01360! This week we want to know – if you wrote a story about puffles, what would it be like?
Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We’ll post one (50 – 75 words, please) in next week’s Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week’s blog, we’ll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don’t forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!
Until then… Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team