Club Penguin Domain EXPIRED!

If you have tried to go to today, then your in for some bad news. If you go to now, it shows a site with a clown and a bunch of links.

Look at the text to the right:

It appears that Club Penguin forgot to pay their domain bill. The worst part is it says in small text “….it may take up to 48 hours to be reactivated.” 😦

We’ll keep you updated with full-coverage until they get the site up.


About Fosters1537

My name is Fosters1537 and I run the blog with Yellow Crown. We are committed to providing the best cheats and full details on everything Club Penguin related. I am a long-time Club Penguin player since 2007 and am happy to accept any friend requests. My username is Fosters1537.

Posted on June 20, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. There editing the website or the website expired.

  2. this is crap! i want to cancel my kids memberships ,as soon as i can!

  3. i hope they let people have it longer since they do buy a card for this

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