Category Archives: Underwater Expedition

Underwater Expedition Construction!

Underwater Expedition 2012 will be here January 26, and penguins on the island are getting ready by putting on some weight at the Beach so the island is tilted! Check out the Beach right now.

On January 26 we’ll find out for the first time how the Beach looks like when it’s sunk! 🙂

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown


Underwater Expedition updates in homepage and screen log-in

Underwater Expedition is a week away, and Club Penguin has already pulled up an update of the Underwater Party on the homepage.

It’s nice but there is something a bit strange. Why is Rookie so concerned about and why aren’t the penguins smiling much? Does it have to do with the crabs and EPF during the Underwater Expedition?

Also Club Penguin updated the Underwater Expedition to advertise membership as some parts of the party will require it.

So it IS confirmed there will be a maze under the island, and will be members only. I wonder what is so special at the end of the maze that Club Penguin is hiding…

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown
