Blog Archives

New EPF Log-In Screen!

Before you log on to Club Penguin you might see this nice animation…

It looks like the Club Penguin team wants all new penguins to become EPF Agents so they won’t miss out all the new EPF stuff coming up! The picture is quite epic I must say, it looks like a movie poster! 😆 Also did you notice Protobot and the mysterious old crab at Hebert’s side? Lots of EPF advertisements, Club Penguin, but please we would like the wait and excitement worth it! 😉

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

EPF Messages I missed…

Once again I forgot to post the latest EPF messages. We’re receiving so much all of a sudden! 😉

Scented with fish oil? Sweet! Looks like the newspaper has an important message to be ‘polar-bear-proof’. What the important EPF message could be about? 😉

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

Reviewed By You: Top Elite Agents

Hello Penguins!
It’s been a little while since our last Reviewed by You! Last time, we asked you what was your favourite part of the Island Adventure Party. Suite106 had this to say:
My Favorite Part of the party is the ship battle! You have the pirates with complicated cannons to load and the penguin navy with easy to load cannons. I actually like to be the pirates because I have an actual pirate costume and I like more of a chalenge. I Also Like the different bases in the cove and the beach and the things people say make it better. Rock on CP!
Thanks for all the great reviews, everyone!
For this Reviewed by You, we’d like to hear from members of a top secret organization…
*** Warning! The following information is for EPF agents only.***

As some of you may already know, there’s a new level of System Defender launching very soon. So this week, we want to talk about what a great job you do to keep the island safe. Agents: tell us about an agent that’s gone over and beyond the call of duty for the EPF!
Write your review as a short comment (50-75 words, please!). We’ll pick one comment to feature in next week’s Reviewed by You. If your review is featured next week, we’ll add 10,000 coins to the top elite agent you nominated. Don’t forget to tell us their penguin name so we can add the coins!
Until then… Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

Hidden EPF Message in Newspaper!

In this week’s newspaper there’s a hidden EPF message from Director!

Simply click on Read More on the front page…

Put your mouse cursor on the word ‘extreme’…

and this message comes up!

Get ready for a new System Defender VERY soon! We’ll let you know when it’s out. 😉

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

Rookie and Gary EPF Messages

Rookie asked Gary why did he throw the Great Snow Race party but Gary doesn’t reply with any EPF news…

But it still proves Gary is hiding something? Do you think he did something wrong and doesn’t like to tell us about it? It looks like this party is going to be nothing but surprises as eve no one know what it actually is? Sort of Sled Race tournament, but what do EPF agents have to do with it? Ok, enough questions already.

Waddle On!
Yellow Crown

Gary send EPF Message!

Rookie send a Message because EPf hadn’t had anything for the past month! WHen he asked what’s going on, Gary replies with this message…

Wow, that’s quite informative G! :mrgreen: But do you think he is hiding something. His look on the newspaper DOES look he has something going on…

I guess we’ll know at the Great Snow Race!

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

FINALLY A New EPF Message from Rookie!

Finally we get an EPF message after we had quite a break of more than a month of not listening from EPF even as of Field Ops! But not it had to be Rookie to break the silence:

Rookie doesn’t know much news either. But we DO know that Gary is up to something for the Great Snow Race party on August 25 for EPF agents. And we do think the crabs helping Herbert the Polar bear have something to do with it. I guess only time will tell!

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

Club Penguin Operation: Black Out!

At Club Penguin’s Behind the Scenes You Tube video, pause when the writer fades out and you’ll catch a glimpse of this screen from the Club Penguin HQ…

Looks familiar? Perhaps form the Club Penguin Year 2011 Planning leak in August instead of June…?

It’s not a surprise it’s been delayed as also the Adventure party has held in July instead of June and the Music Jam in June instead of July. So Operation Black out IS an EPF Mission and IS coming to Club Penguin and will be 2 weeks long?

Also in a February Field Op Herbert did hint to attack the Lighthouse.

Also it seems this wierd and old looking crab and Protobot will be surfacing Club Penguin this month in EPF!

What do you think? Are you excited for all this EPF stuff coming up this month?

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

No more Field Ops … for now!

Check you Spy Phone for the new EPF message from Director D!

Director D announced for all EPF agents to have a break and so there won’t be any Field Ops for now.

I wonder when the next Field Op will be. And how will Herbert and the Protobot strike again!

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

EPF under attack!

If you waddle by the Everyday Phone Facility, you will notice it is destroyed.

Now go up the stairs.

Herbert will begin talking to you.

Use your spy phone to choose an option to say to Herbert.

After a chat with Herbert, a giant ship will come flying down with the three Hydra’s from the Medieval Party!

All 3 Hydra’s health bars are shown in the left of the screen.

Yellow Hydra:

To defeat this one, you need the White Knight Suit from the Medieval Party so he can block the attacks and send the beams flying back at the dragon.

Red Hydra:

Chuck snowballs at it. It’s that simple. Just avoid the attacks or you’ll have so start over. Hide under the green shields that pop up on the battlefield.

Blue Hydra:

Hit the pot of lava with a snowball as it passes over the blue Hydra. Chuck the snowball a few seconds before it goes directly above the blue Hydra.

You win! Claim your 3 medals and receive message from Gary!

Also, Hydra furniture piece! Re-play and beat this again 2 more times to get the 2 other Hydra colors so you can have all 3 for your igloo!

Also, you can get an EPF pin!

TIP: If it slows down your computer, change the graphic settings just like in Medieval Hydra battle and in Card Jitsu Water!

Waddle on!
