Happy77 shared Puffle Sneak Peek 2011 on You Tube

Exciting news! Happy77 has uploaded a video on You Tube to show the Club Penguin Community exclusively a sneak peek of how a black puffle (looks sad) would react after the Puffle update! 😀


It seems like a filming in the Club Penguin HQ, and a boy who is testing the upcoming Puffle interactions!


Sweet! I can’t wait for the Puffles update! I sure hope Happy77 will soon make more sneak peek videos!!


Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

Pet Shop Construction!

The Puffle Party’s over BUT all the puffle buzz still hasn’t ended! The Pet Shop is being re-constructed! According to the newspaper it should be done by March 8!

Penguin sure are working hard to get it finished!


Oh and if you click on the Poster at the right you’ll see the Puffle playcard update sneak peek!

Interesting! It looks like the Puffle will have 3 tabs to interact with them: Food, Play and Care! 🙂 Can’t wait til’ the update! What do you think?


Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

New EPF Messages!

We notified you with every new EPF messages but unfortunately Fosters1537 and I forgot about the new messages as of since February 21. But to get back on track here are the all the messages:

So the Director replied to Herbert and warned him that it is quite difficult for them to take down the EPF. The Probot is still being rebuilt and warns us that Herbert and he are attacking us. Rookie alarmed us about Klutsy attacking our EPF System. Klutsy sent us a message written in Crab click-click language (anyone speaks Crab?) and Rookie tried to reply back. Lastly the Jet Pack Guy noticed a strange computer activity and reported it to G. I think this will hvae to do with the next Field-Op.

Do you think the ‘blackout’ marked on June 2011’s Club Penguin team whiteboard leak has something to do with this? Hmm…


Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

Club Penguin Large Puffle Cushions on Online Store!

thetoyshop.com, the British website that also sells Club Penguin toys are now also selling MORE large Puffle Cushions for 50% off!

Heads up British Club Penguin fans it has free delivery AND only 10 pounds!


Cuddle up and relax on this soft Puffle cushion, which measures 43cm across. With a cute and happy smile on its face, this snuggly cushion is made of 100% polyester.

The Disney Club Penguin Large Pink Puffle Cushion is suitable for kids aged 3 and up.

We’re afraid this fluffy dude does not come with a Club Penguin coin.

Age: 3 years +


  • Weight: 0.36Kg

Let’s check out the puffle cushions:



Yet, the Black Puffle is STILL marked as a ‘Grey’ puffle! 😆



So what do you think? Which one would you buy … or would you buy them ALL?! 😀 I hope the new Brown puffle will soon make it to the Club Penguin merchandise too! 🙂


Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

Happy77 Interviews a Puffle Animator

Happy77 once again has interviewed an employee of the Club Penguin team, and as because of all the new Puffle changes excitement are buzzing around Happy77 interviewed a Puffle Animator some interesting questions:

Greetings Penguins!
Happy77 here. As Billybob mentioned last week, puffles are going to be doing a lot more stuff starting in March…
To get you more of the scoop, I interviewed a puffle animator and asked her a few questions:
Q: Tell me some your favorite puffle facts.
A: My favorite puffle facts, hmmmm…I love how crazy they go over puffle O’s and how they’ll do anything to get ’em. Even jump into a cannon! Another of my fave facts is how puffles looove to dance. If you dance they’ll be dancin’ right beside you!
Q: RayToolbear wanted to know: What kind of creativity do you need when you animate puffles?
A: Great question Ray Toolbear! When I’m animating puffles I love to sketch out hilarious pictures of how they would react. This helps me to pull out the funniest, off the wall expressions from each puffle. Sometimes when I’m in need of creativity I get my friends to make funny faces and I draw their expressions 😀
Q: Jackcol9 asked: What new tricks will puffles be able to do?
A: Thanks for your question Jackol9. New tricks you ask… Well, puffles will be expressing themselves more!They love to have their hair brushed into crazy styles, they’ll jump for joy over treats you feed them, and let you know what they like and don’t!
Sweet! Hope that answers some of your questions. Let us know what else you’d like to know about puffles in the comments.
Until then… Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Hmm, I still would like to know if the bubble gum, play, cookie and other tricks of the moment will stay even after the update. :/ I sure do hope so! I can’t imagine a Club Penguin without  Blue Puffles not burping after eating a cookie! D:
Waddle On!
Yellow Crown

March 2011 Pay Day!

It’s Pay Day! If you are an EPF Agents and a Tour guide, you should recieve 350 and 250 coins for being such a good agent and/or guide.

If you’re not an EPF Agent or Tour Guide, what are you waiting for? Click here to read our guide of how to become an EPF Agent or here to read how to become a Tour Guide!

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

New Club Penguin Erasers!

New at the Disney UK Online Store are the Club Penguin erasers!

If you’d like to have cute puffle erasers to join in your Club Penguin stationary collection, you should really buy these!

Cute erasers huh? 😆

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown


Reviewed by You: Puffle Jokes!

Last week’s Reviewed By You is about a suggestion for the upcomig Puffle food! Bebolebo’s idea was to buy a berry bush for the puffles to eat! Woah that’s cool! 😀

Last week we gave you a sneak peek of some upcoming new puffle food. We asked you what food you’d like puffles to eat in the future. Everyone had some awesome suggestions! Check out Bebolebo‘s cool idea:

Here’s my suggestion: We should be able to buy a BERRY BUSH like the puffles would see in the wild. Then we could put it in the middle of our igloo and the puffles could all eat off of it until the berries are all gone.

Thanks for the comments, everyone!


Remember in March 8, the Pet Shop construction (which started today) will be all finished and – maybe – that’ll be the day when Puffle food will arrive! 🙂 Check out this week’s Reviewed By You!

For this week’s Reviewed By You, we want to hear some puffle humor. What’s your favorite puffle or pet joke? Post yours in the comments!

Waddya think? Comment at Billybob’s blog or maybe right here about some phunnie Puffle jokes you know! 😆

Waddle On!

Yellow Crown

The Haunting of the Viking Opera is back!

Come visit the Stage! The Haunting of the Viking Opera is back! 😛

There’s a new pin over at the top right corner. It’s a ship.

Costume Trunk:

There are only 3 cheats in this. And all 3 are for accessing the Viking Helmets! 😀

Click the red viking helmet on the Haunting of the Viking Opera sign for the red viking helmet.

Open and close it four times for the red viking helmet.

Now keep the red viking helmet open, and click the purple penguin’s viking helmet for the yellow viking helmet.


2 New Puffle Pins!

The first new pin is a green puffle and is at the Dojo!

The second one is in the Recycle Room.